Jaehyun Park, Ph.D. |
Ph.D., Computer Science, Stanford University, 2012–2017
Co-advised by Professor Stephen Boyd, and Professor Leonidas Guibas.
Dissertation: Approximation techniques for mixed-integer quadratic problems
B.S. with distinction, Computer Science, Stanford University, 2008–2012
Full financial support by Samsung Scholarship, 2008–2017
Researcher at a private company, 2021–present
Research scientist at Facebook, Ads Core ML team, 2017–2021
Tech lead of a 4-engineer team, solving problems in the intersection of ML and systems.
Developed a feature exploration platform to enable quick experimentation with new ML feature ideas.
Acted as a strategist to formulate delivery paths and backup plans for projects dependent on unbuilt infra capabilities.
Developed alternative measurement and roll-out methods to enable quick data- and signal-level iterations.
Built a real-time platform that collects large-scale signals, extracts semantic information, and aggregates them into user profiles for personalized ads across Facebook.
Developed a user-ad fuzzy matching algorithm to improve semantic relevance.
Ph.D. research intern at Instagram ads delivery, 2016
Ph.D. research intern at Microsoft Research (advised by Professor Sham Kakade), 2013
Software engineer at imo.im, 2011
Software engineer at Facebook, 2009
Jaehyun Park, “Approximation techniques for mixed-integer quadratic problems”, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, 2017. (external link)
Jaehyun Park and Stephen Boyd, “General Heuristics for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming”, arXiv:1703.07870, 2017. (external link, QCQP Python package repository)
Jaehyun Park and Stephen Boyd, “A Semidefinite Programming Method for Integer Convex Quadratic Minimization”, Optimization Letters, 2017. (external link)
Jaehyun Park, “Sparsity-Preserving Difference of Positive Semidefinite Matrix Representation of Indefinite Matrices”, arXiv:1609.06762, 2016. (pdf)
Jaehyun Park and Stephen Boyd, “Concave Quadratic Cuts for Mixed-Integer Quadratic Problems”, arXiv:1510.06421, 2015. (external link)
Jaehyun Park and Maurizio Calo, “Symbolic Subdifferentiation in Python”, Independent work (under the supervision of Professor Stephen Boyd), 2011. (pdf, codes)
Jaehyun Park, “Recognizing Human Actions in Videos”, Stanford CURIS project (under the supervision of Professor Andrew Ng), 2010. (slides)
Jaehyun Park and David Kamm, “Cortically Inspired Architectures for Action Recognition in Movie Clips”, Independent work, 2010. (pdf)
Michael Harris, David Kamm, Jaehyun Park, and Jeffrey Wang, “Unsupervised Learning of Invariances in Deep Networks”, Independent work (under the supervision of Professor Andrew Ng), 2010. (slides)
Michael Harris, Jaehyun Park, and Jeffrey Wang, “Deep Networks on the GPU”, Independent work (under the supervision of Professor Andrew Ng), 2010. (pdf)
Jaehyun Park, “Clone Detection in a Software Using Graph Modeling”, Independent work (under the supervision of Professor Byung-Ro Moon), 2006. (pdf in Korean)
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC)
World Finals 2010: North America Champions (14th place)
World Finals 2009: 20th place
Pacific Northwest Regional 2009: 2nd place
Pacific Northwest Regional 2008: 1st place
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)
2006: Gold Medal (2nd place worldwide)
Asia Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO)
2007: Silver (7th place)
Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award, 2012
Samsung Scholar
Convex Optimization Short Course at ShanghaiTech University, co-instructor, March 2016
EE 364a (Convex Optimization I) course assistance, 2013–14 summer
EE 364b (Convex Optimization II) course assistance, 2013–14 spring
EE 364a (Convex Optimization I) course assistance, 2013–14 winter
CS 161 (Design and Analysis of Algorithms) course assistance, 2012–13 spring
CS 97SI (Introduction to Programming Contests) instructor, 2011–12 winter
ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Regional Contest problem setter and judge
ACM-ICPC Southern California Regional Contest problem setter and judge
Stanford ACM-ICPC coach and problem setter, 2010–2015
ACM-ICPC related materials on GitHub.
Korea Olympiad in Informatics (KOI) coach and problem setter, 2008, 2012
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) student coach of the Korea team, 2013
USA Computing Olympiad (USACO) coach and problem setter, 2008–2011
Chopin, Nocturne in E-flat (May 2016): video
Chopin, Nocturne in B (March 2016): video
Liszt, Transcendental Etude 'Feux follets’ (December 2015): video
Gershwin-Grainger, 'Love Walked In,’ with Chopin's nouvelles etude #2 as a prelude (November 2015): video
Gershwin, Rhapsody in Blue (first piano: Patrick Kim, June 2015): video
Schubert-Liszt, Ständchen (June 2015): video
Chopin, Barcarolle in F sharp (June 2014): video
Kapustin, Concert Etude 'Reverie’ (June 2014): video
Kapustin, Concert Etude 'Intermezzo’ (March 2014): video
Schumann-Liszt, Widmung (December 2013): video
Kapustin, Concert Etude 'Toccatina’ (December 2013): video
Levitzki, Waltz (November 2013): video
Kapustin, Sonata No. 2, Movement 1 (June 2013): video
Kapustin, Variations (November 2012): video
Jaehyun's Senior Recital live recordings (May 2012)
Liszt, Ballade No. 2 in B minor: video
Chopin, Ballade No. 4 in F minor: video
I won the Humanities & Sciences Undergraduate Prize in Music for my performance of Chopin's 4th Ballade.
Kreisler-Rachmaninoff, Liebesfreud: video
Kreisler-Rachmaninoff, Liebesleid: video
Gershwin, Rhapsody in Blue: video
Bolcom, Graceful Ghost Rag: video
Beethoven, Cello Sonata No. 3 in A major, Movement 1 (cello: John Pardon, February 2012): video